「分野・国籍・年齢を超えてコミュニケーションを取り、革新的なビジネスを具体的に取り組む起業家集団とその関係者のプレーヤーのためのエコシステムの場」--- 都内…
第61回 Global Techno Innovation Cafe (GTIC) 本会議
2014年10月15日(水) October. 15, 2014
●18:30-: 会場オープン、受付開始、
●19:00-:19:05 Opening Speach
●19:10-19:40 (Presentation 1)
隼エナジー株式会社(HAYABUSA Energy)
代表取締役 清水 陽一郎 氏
“Direct Investment Project to Marginal Oil & Gas Fields in US ”
Hayabusa Energy is the first independent oil & gas company in Japan. Hayabusa is focused on direct investment in North American oil & gas assets.
Many think upstream oil/gas projects require a significant capital and a long lead time, leaving no room for small companies.
In my own 15 years of experience in projects in the Middle East and West Africa, I support that impression.
However, there is a place in the world where this is not the case, a place where the ownership of mineral rights belong to private individuals, not to the government. As a result, many small projects exist which can be developed quickly with capital amounts accessible to small investors.
That is North America.
In the United States, where over 40,000 new wells are drilled each year and oil production has been rapidly increasing to match the level of Saudi Arabia today, it is the small-to-mid cap, dynamic independent oil & gas companies that are responsible for many of those exciting projects.
There, plenty of room is available for Japanese direct investment.
Hayabusa's goal is to make these direct investments accessible to Japanese investors.
・隼エナジー社 Webサイト
●19:45-20:15 (プレゼン2)
代表取締役 菅原 俊子 氏
(2014年 MIT-EFJ BPCCファイナリスト)
Ms. Toshiko Sugawara Founder/CEO Heart Organization, Ltd.
医師のための症例議論プラットフォーム e-casebook.com
"Case Discussion Platform for Medical Doctors: e-casebook"
e-casebook.com is a cloud-based case discussion platform developed for doctors to be able to discuss about their cases on a daily basis. By sharing digital images on the website, they are able to improve the limited opportunity for effectively learning new medical techniques and treatment strategies. This service allows visualization of each doctor’s techniques, experience and information and can distribute it to the other doctors. In the future, by analyzing cumulative results, we can gain meaningful reasons for using pharmaceutical products more effectively and making better choices for medical equipment. The goal of this business is to improve the medical quality that we receive.
http://www.sankeibiz.jp/business/news/140106/bsl1401060502001-n1.htm (Jan 6, 2014 Sankei Biz)
●第2回DBJ女性新ビジネスプランコンテスト ファイナリスト
●20:20-25: アンケート記入
●20:30- : 懇親会 Networking --- drink, eat, and talk!!
(Elevator Pitch: Birthday attenders, First-time attenders)
●Location (地図, map):
泉ガーデンタワー 13F
Direct access to Roppongi-itchome Station (Namboku Line)
1. 地下鉄の駅改札(1つです)を出て右奥見える巨大なシャトルエレベーターで7階に移動します。
2. 7階で降りて、(オフィス階行きの普通の大きさの)エレベーターに乗り換えます。
3. エレベータで7階から13階に移動します。
4. エレベーターを降りたすぐそばに会場があります。
1. Move to 7th floor in Elevator from 1st Foor.
2. Get off Elevator by 7th floor and change to the elevator of office story going.
3. Move to 13th floor in Elevator from 7th floor.
4. The hall is near an elevator exit of 13th floor.
※注意 attention:
If you arrive after PM8:00, please call us at the number below
Tel : 080-5053-2336 担当:山賀 (Ms. YAMAGA)
Tel : 080-1296-4668 担当:古川(Mr. FURUKAWA)
●会費 fee:一般 business person 及び、仕事を持っていらっしゃる社会人学生: 5,000円
・フルタイムの学生 full time student: 4,000円(学生証をお持ち下さい。Bring your student ID.)
・GTIC開催日と同じ月の誕生日の方は1000円割引です。(上記学生割引との併用OKです。) 誕生日がわかる運転免許証や、学生証などを受付で提示してください。
(If your birthday is in this same month, discount by JPY1,000. )
"Amalgamate different business area, nationalities, and ages... and one step forward!!"
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," (astronaut Neil Armstrong, July 20, 1969)
代表幹事 :秋山智紀 https://www.facebook.com/tomo.akiyama0306
幹事 :清水雅士 https://www.facebook.com/masashishimizu0416
幹事 :山賀美裕 https://www.facebook.com/miyu.yamaga
幹事 :古川一貴 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006804493034
幹事 :鈴木美優 https://www.facebook.com/miyu.suzuki.14?fref=grp_mmbr_list
幹事 :鈴木瑞人 https://www.facebook.com/mizuto.suzuki.1?fref=grp_mmbr_list
幹事 :中村伊吹 https://www.facebook.com/ibuki.nakamura.351?fref=grp_mmbr_list