



当社は、当社が提供する「スピーダ スタートアップ情報リサーチ」(以下、スピーダ スタートアップ情報リサーチに関連するすべてのサービスと併せて「本サービス」といいます。)に関して取り扱う個人情報を、個人情報の保護に関する法律(平成15年5月30日法律第57号)(以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)及び本方針に従って取り扱います。ただし、当社による個人情報の取扱いについて、個人情報保護法第4章の適用が除外される場合には、本方針の適用対象外となります。






(1) お客様から取得した個人情報本サービスに関するIDの発行・管理、利用料金の請求、サポートデスク業務の提供等、本サービスの提供及び付随業務を行うため
(2) 委託先、取引先(お客様、委託先に該当しない当社のお取引先を指します。)等から取得した個人情報委託または取引に関する検討、当該契約等の目的を達成するために必要な範囲での管理、連絡等のため
(3) イベント、カンファレンス、セミナー等(以下「イベント等」といいます。)への参加者の個人情報当社を含むユーザベースグループ各社が実施するイベント等の案内・運営・実施のため



  • 第三者に提供することについて、本人から事前に同意を頂いている場合
  • 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難である場合
  • 業務委託契約に基づいて、個人情報の取扱いの一部または全部を外部の会社に委託する場合(サーバーへの蔵置等を含みます。)。この場合、当社は個人情報の取扱いに関する契約の締結や委託先において個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう適切に監督します。
  • 合併、会社分割、事業譲渡その他の事由によって事業の継承が行われる場合
  • 個人情報保護法およびその他法令に基づく場合
  • なお、外国にある第三者への提供については、第7項に定めるとおりです。






  • 【共同利用される個人データ】
    • 上記第3項に記載する個人データ
  • 【共同利用するグループ会社】
    • ユーザベースグループ各社
  • 【共同利用の目的】
    • 上記第3項に規定する利用目的と同一の目的(但し、本項目においては、「本サービス」を「ユーザベースグループが提供するサービス」に読み替えるものとします。)
  • 【共同利用する個人データの管理責任者】
    • 当社(代表者及び住所については、当社コーポレートサイトをご参照ください) なお、外国に所在するユーザベースグループ各社との共同利用については、第7項に定めるとおりです。



  • 【外国にある第三者に提供する場合(取扱いの委託を含む)】
    • 当社は、本サービスの提供に必要な範囲で、外国にある第三者に個人データを提供する場合があります。
    • また、当社は、外国にある第三者に、個人データの取り扱いの一部又は全部を委託する場合があります。
    • 当社は、本項に基づく個人データの提供・委託等を行う場合、当該第三者に対し、秘密保持義務、情報の安全管理義務等、契約上必要な義務を負わせております。
  • 【外国にあるユーザベースグループ各社と共同利用する場合】
    • 当社は、第6項の定めに従い、外国に所在するユーザベースグループ各社との間で、個人データを共同利用します。
    • ユーザベースグループ各社が所在する国・地域等の一覧は当社コーポレートサイトをご参照ください。
    • 外国に所在するユーザベースグループ各社は、個人情報保護法に基づき個人情報取扱事業者が講ずべきこととされている措置に相当する措置を継続的に講じるために必要な体制を整備しております。
  • 【外国にある第三者に保管等を委託する場合】
    • 当社は、個人データのクラウドその他の方法での保管等を、外国にある第三者に委託する場合があります(個人データの取り扱いの委託に当たらない場合)。この場合、当社は当該委託先に対して必要かつ適切な監督を行います。



  • 開示等の請求を行われる場合は、以下の【個人情報お問合せ窓口】までメールにてご連絡ください。適切かつ迅速に対応させていただくため、ご連絡いただく際には、必ず対象となるサービス名(例:「スピーダ スタートアップ情報リサーチ」)及びお問い合わせの趣旨及び根拠を明記してください。
    • 当社は、前号による開示等の請求があった場合、ご本人確認をさせて頂きます。場合によっては、公的な証明書の写しの送付をお願いする場合がございます。
  • 本人確認後、具体的な開示等の手続をご案内いたします。同案内に従い、当社所定の書面に必要事項を記載の上、ご提出ください。
  • 【個人情報お問合わせ窓口】
  • メールアドレス: privacy@uzabase.com






株式会社ユーザベース 担当執行役員
メールアドレス: privacy@uzabase.com

Privacy Policy

Date of enactment: 18 July 2018
Date of final revision: 1 July 2024

Uzabase, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provides information infrastructure supporting the decision-making processes of business professionals under its purpose of “Awaken a world of play in business, with our insights”.

In providing the services, the Company recognises the social responsibility regarding the protection of personal information, and it will protect the rights and interests of individuals and shall comply with all laws and regulations relating to personal information.

1. Handling of Personal Information

The Company handles Personal Information related to Speeda Startup Insights(hereinafter referred to as the “Service” for all services related to Speeda Startup Insights) in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (Act No. 57 of 30 May 2003; hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and this Speeda Startup Insights Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as this “Policy”), provided, however, that this Policy shall not be applicable to the handling of Personal Information in the case where the Company is exempted from the application of Chapter IV of the Act in accordance with the Act.

The Company shall endeavour to manage and use Personal Information appropriately even in cases where the Act and/or this Policy are not applicable.

2. Definition of Personal Information

The term “Personal Information” as used in this Policy shall mean the following information relating to a living individual: 1) any information that a specific individual can be identified with (including information which cannot be used on its own to identify a specific individual, but which can be readily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual), such as name, date of birth, or other descriptions, and 2) any information that contains an individual identification code, such as fingerprint data and passport number.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Act or any relevant laws and regulations are revised, the definition of Personal Information shall follow such revision(s).

3. Use of Personal Information

The Company shall use Personal Information for the purposes listed below. In cases where changes in the purpose of use are necessary, the Company shall promptly issue a notification or make a public announcement regarding such changes.

Personal Information to be AcquiredPurpose of Use
(1) Personal Information acquired from customersProviding the Service and performing related tasks, such as issuing and managing IDs, billing for usage fees, and providing support desk services.
Responding to customer inquiries.
Providing information on other services offered by the Company or the subsidiaries and affiliated companies of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Uzabase Group Companies”) and conducting other marketing activities.
Analysing the customers’ usage and other data for the improvement and further development of the Service and other services.
Implementing promotional campaigns and surveys.
(2) Personal Information acquired from contractors, business partners (referring to those other than Company’s customers or contractors), etc.Examining outsourcing operations or transactions, managing and communicating within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of such agreements.
Providing information on the services offered by the Company and the Uzabase Group Companies and conducting other marketing activities.
(3) Personal Information acquired from participants at events, conferences, seminars, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Events”)Providing information on, organising, and operating the Events by the Company and the Uzabase Group Companies.
Providing information to third-party co-organisers, speakers, and other relevant parties of the Events.
Analysing information for the planning and development of new Events or products and services.
Providing information on services offered by the Company and the Uzabase Group Companies and conducting other marketing activities.

4. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

The Company shall not provide the Personal Data (the definition of Personal Data is in accordance with the Act) acquired by the Company to third parties except in the following cases:

  • In cases where prior consent on providing the information to third parties has been obtained;
  • In cases where there is a need to protect a human life, body or fortune, and when it is difficult to obtain a principal's consent;
  • In cases where handling of Personal Information is outsourced partially or fully (including server storage) to an external company in accordance with an operation outsourcing contract. In these cases, the Company shall execute an agreement with that outsourcing company regarding the handling of Personal Information and shall appropriately supervise the outsourcing company to ensure that the Personal Information is securely managed by the outsourcing company;
  • In cases where business succession as a result of a merger or acquisition, company split, business transfer, or other reasons has taken place;
  • In cases where such action is conducted in accordance with the Act or other laws and regulations.
  • The provision of Personal Data to third parties located in foreign countries shall be handled in accordance with the stipulations of Article 7 of this Policy.

5. Acquisition and Use of Attribute Information and User Behaviour Data

In order to make the content of the Service and advertisements provided by the Company more suitable for the customers, the Company will conduct behavioural targeting and other activities using a system established by the Company or a service provided by a third party. Specifically, the Company will acquire and analyse non-personally identifiable information such as search keywords, viewed pages, browsers, server access logs including IP addresses and device information. There may be cases where the above information is provided to the Uzabase Group Companies and the advertisers of the Uzabase Group Companies for the same purpose.

A list of the main third-party services that are used by Uzabase Group Companies’ service is available via the link below. https://www.uzabase.com/jp/thirdparty/

6. Shared Use of Personal Data

In order to expand better services by the Uzabase Group Companies, the Company might share and jointly use Personal Data as listed below under strict management and with appropriate security measures.

  • 【Shared-Use Personal Data】
    • Personal Data listed in Article 3 of this Policy.
  • 【Group Companies with which Data is Shared】
    • Uzabase Group Companies.
  • 【Purpose of Shared Use of Personal Data】
    • The purpose of shared use of Personal Data is identical with the purpose stipulated in Article 3 of this Policy. (However, the “Service” in this article shall be interpreted as the “service provided by the Uzabase Group Companies”).
  • 【Responsible Party for Managing Shared-Use Personal Data】
    • The Company is the party responsible for managing the Personal Data (for representative and address, please refer to the Company’s website).
shared use of Personal Data with Uzabase Group Companies located in foreign countries shall be handled in accordance with Article 7 of this Policy.

7. Provision, Shared Use, or Storage of Data by Third Parties Located in Foreign Countries

The Company may, in the following cases, provide or entrust the storage (hereinafter collectively referred to as “provide”) of Personal Data to a third party located in foreign countries (i.e. countries or regions outside Japan) in the following cases. For a list of foreign countries to which the Company may provide Personal Data and information on the applicable legislative frameworks of such foreign countries, please refer to the Annex.

  • 【Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties Located in Foreign Countries (Including Entrustment of Handling of Personal Information)】
    • The Company may provide Personal Data to third parties located in foreign countries to the extent necessary to provide the Service.
    • In addition, the Company may entrust part or all of the handling of Personal Data to third parties located in foreign countries.
    • When providing or entrusting the handling of Personal Data in accordance with this article, the Company shall impose contractually necessary obligations on the third party, such as the obligation to maintain confidentiality and the obligation to ensure the security of the information.
  • 【Shared Use of Personal Data with Uzabase Group Companies Located in Foreign Countries】
    • The Company will jointly use Personal Data with Uzabase Group Companies located in foreign countries in accordance with Article 6 of this Policy.
    • Please refer to the Company’s corporate website for a list of foreign countries where the Uzabase Group Companies are located.
    • Each of the Uzabase Group Companies located in a foreign country has established the necessary systems to continuously take measures equivalent to those required to be taken by personal information handling business operators under the Act.
  • 【Entrustment of Storage and Other Operations of Personal Data to Third Parties Located in Foreign Countries】
    • The Company may entrust the storage and other operations of Personal Data via cloud-based computing or other methods to third parties located in foreign countries (where this does not constitute an entrustment of handling of Personal Data). In such cases, the Company shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the third party.

8. Procedures for Inquiries Regarding the Handling of Personal Information and Requests (such as Disclosure)

The Company shall respond to inquiries and requests from principals for disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, or termination of use of their Personal Information (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Disclosure”) according to the following items. If the Company is not legally obligated to make the Disclosure, the Company shall determine, at its own discretion, whether or not to make the Disclosure.

  • If an principal wishes to submit a request regarding the Disclosure, said principal can make such request by contacting the Personal Information Inquiry Desk via the email address provided below. In order to ensure an appropriate and prompt response, please state the name of the service in question (e.g. “Speeda Startup Insights”) and the purpose and basis of the request when contacting the above desk;
    • The Company shall confirm the person’s identity upon receipt of said person’s request regarding the Disclosure pursuant to Item (1) above. In some cases, the Company may request the person to send copies of its official certificates;
  • After confirming the identity, the Company shall guide said principal through specific procedures for the Disclosure. The principal shall follow the guidance and fill out the necessary information in a form specified by the Company and submit it to the Company.
  • 【Personal Information Inquiry Desk】
  • Email: privacy@uzabase.com

9. Major Changes and Notifications

In case of major changes or announcements regarding the protection of Personal Information, the Uzabase Group Companies shall make a public announcement through its website and/or via other channels.

10. Revisions of this Policy

In order to constantly improve its handling of Personal Information, the Company may change and revise this Policy. In such cases, the Uzabase Group Companies shall release the revised Policy on the corporate website that they operate. In the case of changes to the content of this Policy for which the customer’s consent is required by law, the customer’s consent shall be obtained in the manner prescribed by the Company.

11. Personal Information Protection Supervisor

Uzabase, Inc. Executive Officer in Charge
Email: privacy@uzabase.com