「分野・国籍・年齢を超えてコミュニケーションを取り、革新的なビジネスを具体的に取り組む起業家集団とその関係者のプレーヤーのためのエコシステムの場」--- 都内…
第56回 Global Techno Innovation Cafe (GTIC) 本会議
2014年8月1日(金) August. 1, 2014
●18:30-: 会場オープン、受付開始 Open 、
●19:00-: 講演
レイ・フロンティア株式会社 (Rei-Frontier Inc.)
代表取締役 田村 建士氏
『サイレント・ライフ・ログ ~静かにあなたの活動を記録していくアプリ~』
"Silence life log ~Application of which records your activity calmly~"
At Rei frontier incorporated company, the user's location information was obtained from GPS and it has been used for the improvement of a product based on AR (extended reality) technology.
That idea is further advanced from now on, we think that individual action data acquired through the application will use for problem solving in various industries.
The application "silence log" introduced this time is that first phase.
"silence log" is an action record application which records automatically a user's transportation means, a course, and the number of steps, and summarizes them along with a time axis with the taken photograph as action of the day.
(Nippon Institute of Agroinformatics Ltd.)
代表取締役 古荘貴司氏
"Chemical-free Tasty!" makes “Beauty".
The NIA's Agro-Technology fixes an existed misunderstanding of agriculture: High-Quality Vegetables and Sustainable Development
Nippon Institute of Agroinformatics develops and commercializes pesticide-free,chemical fertilizer-free cultivation techniques.We are planning to open large-scale farm this year.
A lot of manure is required to raise crops,and chemical fertilizers are made from mineral resources.
With the Method of cultivating quality vegetables without agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizers makes, agriculture will turn into high profitability industry,even if it is under resource price uptrend.Steady supply of quality vegitables advances food culture.
●20:20-: アンケート記入
●20:30- : 懇親会 reception --- drink, eat, and talk!!
(Birthday attenders, First-time attenders)
●Location (地図, map):
泉ガーデンタワー 13F
Direct access to Roppongi-itchome Station (Namboku Line)
1. 地下鉄の駅改札(1つです)を出て右奥見える巨大なシャトルエレベーターで7階に移動します。
2. 7階で降りて、(オフィス階行きの普通の大きさの)エレベーターに乗り換えます。
3. エレベータで7階から13階に移動します。
4. エレベーターを降りたすぐそばに会場があります。
1. Move to 7th floor in Elevator from 1st Foor.
2. Get off Elevator by 7th floor and change to the elevator of office story going.
3. Move to 13th floor in Elevator from 7th floor.
4. The hall is near an elevator exit of 13th floor.
※注意 attention:
If you arrive after PM8:00, please call us at the number below
Tel : 080-5053-2336 担当:山賀 (Ms. YAMAGA)
Tel : 080-1296-4668 担当:古川(Mr. FURUKAWA)
●会費 fee: ・一般 business man 及び、仕事を持っていらっしゃる社会人学生: 5,000円
・フルタイムの学生 full time student: 4,000円(学生証をお持ち下さい。Bring your student ID.)
・GTIC開催日と同じ月の誕生日の方は1000円割引です。(上記学生割引との併用OKです。) 誕生日がわかる運転免許証や、学生証などを受付で提示してください。
(If your birthday is in this same month, discount by JPY1,000. )
秋山智紀(Tomo AKIYAMA), Start-up Accelerator / Angel Investor
松井彩 (Aya MATSUI), Science Communicator
清水雅士(Masahi SHIMIZU), Bio business Development
大森崇弘(Takahiro OHMORI), System Engineer
菅原史法(Fuminori SUGAWARA), ResiCal CEO, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology< Master of Engineering>,
山賀美裕(Miyu YAMAGA), Faculty of commerce, Senshu University
古川一貴(Kazuki FURUKAWA, Faculty of Business Administration, Yokohama National University,
"Amalgamate different business area, nationalities, and ages... and one step forward!!"
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," (astronaut Neil Armstrong, July 20, 1969)
Let's exchage your opinions of start-up, entrepreneurship, innovation. --- more open, more global, more innovative!!!!!!
代表幹事 :秋山智紀 https://www.facebook.com/tomo.akiyama0306
幹事 :松井彩 https://www.facebook.com/aya.matsui1
幹事 :清水雅士 https://www.facebook.com/masashishimizu0416
幹事 :大森崇弘 https://www.facebook.com/t.omorinrin
幹事 :菅原史法 https://www.facebook.com/fuminori.sugawara
幹事 :山賀美裕 https://www.facebook.com/miyu.yamaga
幹事 :古川一貴 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006804493034